Jakanda Pty Ltd - A proud family-owned business bringing over 25 years of
experience to your doorstep. Our tradition of excellence is built on strong family
values and a commitment to creating homes that stand the test of time.
My son and I wanted to add a two room extension plus an enclosed verandah to our property. We wanted a reliable builder and engaged Jakanda Pty Ltd to do the job. We are very ...
Jeff – Erskine Park
Jakanda built a first floor addition to our split level home. It was an unusual job which required careful planning which they handled easily. They were flexible enough in that we were able to continue ...
Geoff & Kim Simpson
Dear Terry, Kim and I would like to thank you for the wonderful job you have done on our extension. From the initial quote through to the final clean up day, you have at every ...
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goiku ssimos ducimus qui blanditiis praese.